Student loans

Students Can Possibly Increase Financial Aid After Coronavirus Job Losses

NBC Universal, Inc.

College students may have a chance to increase their financial aid as the coronavirus causes layoffs and pay cuts. In cases where parents lost their job as a result of furloughs or businesses shutting down, financial aid administrators may be able to offer students additional aid.

“There may be changes to their financial aid status which may help them get additional funding to pay for their children's school next year,” Marian Kendrick, Program Director, College Access  Fairfax.

Parents and students can appeal to the college’s financial aid office by simply writing a letter expressing their change of income. They will need proof of job loss or income reduction and will also have to update their FAFSA application. 

“What we’re anticipating as we get more into the summer months, that we’ll start to receive more letters from students and parents in particular explaining about income reductions, job losses,” Brad Barnett, Director Financial Aid and Scholarships and James Madison University said. 

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