Student Caught With Gun, Pot Brownies at Maryland High School

A 16-year-old boy took a gun and marijuana to school in Maryland Tuesday, according to the Charles County Sheriff’s Office.

A teacher noticed a student who appeared to be on drugs about 10 a.m. at La Plata High School, according to the sheriff’s office.

The teacher called an administrator, who found a loaded gun and a container of pot brownies in the student’s possession, according to the sheriff’s office.

Kristopher Alexander Raul McDonald was charged as an adult with several charges, including possession of a weapon on school property, possession of drugs with intent to distribute while armed, loaded handgun on person and carrying a concealed dangerous weapon.

So far, the investigation has found no evidence McDonald intended to use the gun, according to the sheriff’s office.

Anyone with information about the case should call authorities at 301-932-2222.

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