A newborn baby girl just couldn't wait to make her grand arrival until after the snow stopped falling!
The little one was born at home, with the help of first responders, early Tuesday in the midst of the D.C. area's blistering snowstorm.
The Silver Spring parents called 911 during the height of the first significant snowstorm of the season, Montgomery County fire officials said.
Crews were dispatched about 3 a.m., and when they arrived, the birth was already "imminent," with the woman's contractions just a couple of minutes apart, Fire & EMS spokesman Pete Piringer said.
Crews did reach the home in time, but reaching the hospital seemed risky, so they decided to deliver the baby in the apartment.
Seven county fire and rescue personnel worked to deliver and stabilize the baby. Piringer said the new mom and baby had no problems or complications, although getting them to the waiting ambulance proved to be a bit tricky due to the icy conditions outside.
Piringer said he believed the little girl is the couple's first baby.
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But it wasn't the paramedics' first delivery -- a couple weeks ago, the same ambulance crew delivered another baby in Silver Spring, he said.