Seven Loudoun County Public Schools staff members have the novel coronavirus and an eighth teacher has died.
A fourth employee at Waxpool Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19, the school system said Monday.
The latest person to get the virus is in self-quarantine and was last at the school on March 11. They didn't experience any symptoms from the virus until a few days later, LCPS said.
Waxpool Elementary has been closed to the public and thoroughly cleaned since March 11.
LCPS Superintendent Eric Williams said in a previous statement that Waxpool Elementary School Principal Michael Pellegrino was among those who tested positive. Pellegrino was quarantined at home.
Susan Rokus, who was a teacher for Liberty Elementary School and Pinebrook Elementary School, died from COVID-19.
Liberty Elementary School principal Paul Pack remembered Susan Rokus as one of a kind — a woman who dedicated her life, energy and love to educating the children of Loudoun County.
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“Her legacy in Loudoun is unlike anything I’ve ever seen because it’s generational,” Pack said.
A Moorefield Station Elementary School staff member and two employees at the Academies of Loudoun also have COVID-19.
On Monday, the school system said a staff member who works in the LCPS Administration Building tested positive for the virus. The staff member was last in the building on March 18 and they began exhibiting symptoms the next day.
Health officials are working on calling anyone who had contact with the employees.
Stay with News4 and NBCWashington.com for updates.