Traffic through school drop-off and pick-up lines can rival the Beltway during rush hour. Luckily, there's a new app for that.
Tampa dad Pat Bhava created an app called Pik My Kid, which is now being used in 185 schools in Fairfax County, Virginia, and is expected to expand into eight states through education company Charter School USA, reports.
Pik My Kid tracks students with a GPS geo bubble that's custom to each school. Parents can register through their smartphones for free. With a simple swipe, teachers can then view which child's parent is next in the car line.
"The teacher actually sees a visual representation of the line -- without walkie talkies, without yelling and screaming, 'Kids are ready!'" Bhava told WFLA.
Parents can also receive ping notifications alerting them to changes in dismissal times, school emergencies, and the whereabouts of their children. Parents can also easily communicate with the school regarding changes in pickup schedules or carpools.
The app saves time, frustration, and -- an added bonus -- money. Fewer teachers and law enforcement officials are needed, allowing schools to save $47,000 a year, according to a study by the University of South Florida, WLFA reported.
Interested? Download it for free from the App Store or GooglePlay.