Dupont Circle

Red Line Trains No Longer Single-Tracking Between Van Ness, Dupont Circle

Red Line trains are no longer single-tracking between Van Ness and Dupont Circle, but Metro told riders about 12:30 p.m. Tuesday to expect residual delays.

Metro initially said the problem late Tuesday morning was due to a track problem outside Dupont Circle and then later said there was a track problem outside Woodley Park.

The Woodley Park station was briefly evacuated but has since reopened after a report of smoke on the tracks. Firefighters went to the scene to look for smoke but there is no report that they found any.

Shuttle buses were called to the affected route. Metro also suggested Metrobus Route L2 for travel to Van Ness, Cleveland Park, Woodley Park and Dupont Circle.

Service was suspended for about a half-hour between Cleveland Park and Dupont before trains began single-tracking.

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