Prosecution Dropping Two Charges in Levy Murder Case

The prosecution is dropping two charges against Chandra Levy murder suspect Ingmar Guandique, NBC Washington's Pat Collins reported.

A sex assault charge and a murder charge are being dropped, but four charges remain: kidnapping, robbery and two murder charges.

Testimony resumed Wednesday after a six-day hiatus that was scheduled because of calendar conflicts.

FBI DNA expert Alan Giusti testified that panties taken from Levy's condo in 2001 tested positive for sperm, and DNA testing linked it to former congressman Gary Condit. Underwear found at the crime scene also was tested, but the initial test found nothing. However, a second test on the underwear six years later found male DNA, Giusti said, but it did not match Guandique. Prosecutors said the DNA hit was a result of contamination after the evidence was removed from Rock Creek Park.

Guandique is on trial for the murder of the Washington intern. She disappeared in May 2001, and her remains were found in Rock Creek Park more than a year later.

Two prison inmates who have said Guandique confessed to the killing did not take the stand Wednesday. Last week, a third cellmate testified that Guandique told him he intended to steal from Levy, not kill her, and that he was concerned other inmates might think he was a rapist because he was linked to the Levy investigation.

Levy’s disappearance became international news after she was romantically linked with Condit. He once was the main suspect, but police no longer believe he was involved. Condit testified in the trial but evaded questions about whether he had an affair with Levy.

The prosecution rested its case Wednesday.

Defense lawyers asked Judge Gerald Fisher to toss the entire case for lack of evidence, but Fisher denied the motion, the Associated Press reported.

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