The days of access are over. Metro is trimming the fat when it comes to sales locations.
Sales locations at Landover Bus Garage in Hyattsville, Md., Four Mile Run Bus Garage in Arlington, Va., and Royal Street Bus Garage in Alexandria, Va., will close on July 31.
The sales office at Western Bus Garage in the District of Columbia is scheduled to close on Aug. 23.
Commuters just aren't using them like they used to, or the sales centers are too close to other retail outlets, according to Metro officials.
But for those swipe-savvy riders there are lots of other places to get your Metro card. Customers are encouraged to use any of the following nearby locations to purchase fare cards starting Saturday, August 1:
Locations near Landover Bus Garage
- Giant Food, 6524 Landover Road
- Giant Food, 7546 Annapolis Road
- Eagle Financial, Inc., 7732 Annapolis Road Safeway, 8484 Annapolis Road Safeway, 4600 Coopers Lane Safeway, 6300 Central Avenue
Locations near Four Mile Run Bus Garage
- The Commuter Store at Crystal City, 1615-B Crystal Square Arcade
- The Commuter Store at Shirlington Station, 2975 South Quincy Street
- Giant Food, 2901-11 South Glebe Road
Locations near Royal Street Bus Garage
- Sun Trust Bank, 515 King Street
- Old Town Transit Shop, 1775-C Duke Street
- Giant Food, 530 First Street Safeway, 500 South Royal Street
Locations near Western Bus Garage will start selling fare products starting August 24.
- Friendship Heights Commuter Store, 17 Wisconsin Circle, Chevy Chase, Md.
- Giant Food, 3336 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
- Safeway, 4203 Davenport Street, NW
- SuperFresh, 4330 48th Street, NW
Don't forget when you make that run for toothpaste, you can also purchase a SmarTrip® card at many CVS/pharmacy stores.