Tensions flared Thursday night at a meeting where parents and students discussed a proposal to include transgender students in Fairfax County Public Schools' non-discrimination policy.
About a dozen people made public comments at the Fairfax County School Board meeting and urged the board to craft a policy that would integrate transgender students -- including allowing them to use the bathroom of their choice.
After a transgender man, who identified himself as a coach, spoke at the meeting, a man sitting down started yelling.
"You didn't give any of us notice," he said.
He and another father were escorted out of the meeting. They said they were not given enough notice that the proposed transgender policy was on the agenda and could not sign up to voice their opposition.
Inside the meeting, a young student spoke about her experience as a transgender girl.
"It may not seem like a big deal to those who aren't transgenders, but to me it is a big deal," said Victoria Johnson, who was accompanied by her mother at the podium. "I recently went on a field trip with my class and I wasn't even allowed to use the female bathroom at the museum that we went to until all the girls in my class cleared the bathrooms."
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The school board did not make any decisions about the issue.