Confederate Monuments Removed From Fairfax County Courthouse

Board of Supervisors voted to remove monuments after public hearing

A Confederate monument is removed from outside the Fairfax County Courthouse.
Fairfax County

The Confederate markers and monuments outside the Fairfax County Courthouse have been removed, according to County Board of Supervisors Chair Jeff McKay.

A Virginia Department of Historic Resources “First Confederate Officer Killed” memorial marker, the John Quincy Marr Monument and the Dahlgren howitzers on either side of the Marr Monument were stored in a county warehouse.

The Dahlgren howitzers in storageFairfax County
The Dahlgren howitzers in storage

The Board of Supervisors voted to remove the publicly owned monuments after a public hearing in September.

The “First Confederate Officer Killed” marker will be returned to the state, according to McKay.

The Marr Monument, installed in 1904 and dedicated to Capt. John Marr, who was the first Confederate soldier killed in Civil War combat, will go to the Stuart Mosby Historical Society.

The howitzers will be taken to Manassas National Battlefield Park.

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