
Northam Vetoes Switchblade Bill Allowing Out-of-State Buyers

Would-be makers of switchblades in Virginia are out of luck.

Gov. Ralph Northam announced Thursday he has vetoed legislation that would allow people to make and sell switchblades to out-of-state buyers.

Current law prohibits Virginians from owning switchblades, throwing stars and brass knuckles. Republican-led attempts to overturn the law in past years have failed.

This year, the GOP-led General Assembly passed legislation exempting switchblade manufactures whose knives are "shipped to any person outside the commonwealth."

Supporters said the bill would help Virginia-based knife manufacturers grow their businesses. Northam, a Democrat, said that if Virginia law says switchblade knives are too dangerous to be sold in state, they shouldn't be sold out of state.

Copyright The Associated Press
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