9 Running In Special Election for D.C. Council

Nine candidates are in the running for D.C.'s at-large council seat in Tuesday's special election.

For the Democrats, the list includes interim council member Sekou Biddle, who has been endorsed by Mayor Vincent Gray and many on the council. Biddle has been serving on the council since January.

Former council member Vincent Orange is running as a Democrat and he has outpaced the pack in terms of fundraising.

Democrat Bryan Weaver, a long-time community activist from Adams Morgan is on the ballot, and so is Josh Lopez, a Democrat and former Mayor Adrian Fenty campaign aide who would be the first Latino to serve on the council.

The Republicans have lined up behind Patrick Mara, who picked up the endorsement of the Washington Post.

Other candidates on the ballot include Democrats Tom Brown and Dorothy Douglas, D.C. Statehood Green candidate Alan Page and independent Arkan Haile.

The polls close at 8 p.m.

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