A Muslim cab driver is suing a passenger who unleashed a vicious diatribe on him, saying the passenger also assaulted him and broke his jaw.
The driver, Mohamed Salim, is presenting evidence to a jury and says he should receive monetary damages.
Salim says that in 2013, he picked up a passenger, Edward Dahlberg, who then punched him and spewed a stream of epithets at Salim because of his religion.
Salim recorded parts of the encounter on his phone.
Dahlberg, of Clifton, Virginia, admits using bad language, but denies injuring Salim. Dahlberg's lawyers say Salim has been lying about the incident, including a false claim by Salim that he served in Iraq with the U.S. military.
Lawyers presented opening statements Wednesday in the civil case, which is being heard in federal court in Alexandria.
The lawsuit comes after prosecutors declined to charge Dahlberg criminally.