Molly, the now infamous vizsla, who mysteriously disappeared from outside the Whole Foods on P Street N.W. on June 29, was happily reunited with her owners last night by the Metropolitan Police Department.
Little details are known about the kidnapping and subsequent return because of an ongoing investigation. However, we hear that the kidnapper might be dealing with certain mental problems, and we hope she gets the help and treatment she needs.
The owners plan on throwing a party sometime in August to celebrate Molly's homecoming and to thank everyone who helped search for their beloved pooch over the past few weeks.
While we are thrilled to hear of Molly's safe return, we hope everyone learns a valuable lesson from this ordeal. As many of our readers commented, you wouldn’t leave your kid tethered to a tree while you shopped inside, so please don’t do the same to your dog. Our pets are far too precious.