
Md. Health Officials Warn of Increase in Snakebites

Snakebite season is here. 

The Maryland Poison Center says it has seen an increase in snakebite reports, handling 52 so far this year. It says the majority of those have occurred since June 1 and 28 have been copperhead bites. 

The center says there are many myths about the appropriate treatment for snakebites. It says you shouldn't apply a tourniquet, cut the wound, attempt to suck out the venom, or apply heat or ice. 

Rather, the center says, you should contact authorities, wash the bite with soap and water and cover it with a clean, dry dressing. You should also try to remember the color and shape of the snake and note the time the bite happened. 

The poison center is part of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy in Baltimore.

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