Marine Corps Marathon

Man on a Mission: Maryland Runner Set to Complete His 100th Marathon at MCM

“I’m amazed every time I cross the finish line. I truly am. And I don’t take it for granted,” said Nicholas Panebianco, who is set to run his 100th marathon this weekend.

NBC Universal, Inc.

A Beltsville, Maryland, man is set to complete a personal milestone at the Marine Corps Marathon this weekend. Despite the event taking place virtually due to COVID-19, Nicholas Panebianco will be running his 100th marathon.

Panebianco takes his races very seriously and is proud to say he has finished every single race he has started.

He has run all types of marathons, including ultra-marathons, which can stretch up to 60 miles.

“It is a lot about believing that you can finish, staying strong mentally and taking it a piece at a time,” said Panebianco, who trains for his marathons year-round.

He said there are often two journeys when it comes to completing a marathon: the journey to the starting line and the journey to the finish line.

Panebianco runs a nonprofit, called Marathon Charity Cooperation. Their focus is to train runners who are raising money for other charities, as well as supporting those organizations.

“They all just have great causes. There’s so much good out there. So, it gives the runners something to inspire them while they’re suffering through the training and suffering to the finish line,” said Panebianco.

Although Panebianco is unaware of how many more races he would like to run, he is sure this weekend’s marathon will not be his last.

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