Now that the cops have apprehended the alleged killer of Chandra Levy, a Hill intern who was murdered only eight years ago, the Story That Never Ends has taken on a new chapter: was there something about Ingmar Guandique's status as an illegal immigrant that made him *allegedly* do it?
Anti-immigration advocates make their case very clear: if Guandique had entered the country legally -- waited in line or whatever, and then gotten a paper certificate -- chances are he would have become a doctor or a lawyer, and not an *alleged* evil murderer. Why won't the Main Stream Media make this very important point?
"Too many journalists don't want to provide ammunition to those who want stricter immigration laws, so avoid connecting illegal immigrants to evidence which will bolster the argument that illegals cause harm," said Brent Baker of the Media Research Center.
The media, it would seem, is way too liberal, and they are trying to press liberal views onto their unsuspecting spongelike readers. Have you heard about this conspiracy?
Of course it's perfectly fine to mention that Guandique is an illegal immigrant in newspapers. It's true! The problem comes in the secondary realm, where people assume that because he is illegal, he is therefore MURDEROUS, and will somehow escape back to his rich welfare palace in El Salvador where he grows cash crops of gold and stem cells.
Well, no. He will go to jail for a long time, somewhere, just like everybody else who murders someone.
So while the Washington Post may be going out of its way in terms of political correctness to refer to Guandique as a "Salvadoran day laborer," who cares what he is? He is someone who *allegedly* murdered someone, and he will now go to jail, forever. Oh, right -- he's already in jail anyway.
Jim Newell is an illegal day laborer for Wonkette and IvyGate.