Starting in July, you can buy lunch at food trucks in more areas in Alexandria.
Alexandria's city council voted 4-2 Saturday to expand food truck parking.
It's an issue that the city has been working on for more than a year, wrestling with the desire of some in the community to enjoy the variety that food trucks bring -- and concerns of some existing restaurateurs, who worried food trucks will hurt their business.
Other citizens raised concerns over whether food trucks were appropriate in Alexandria's historic downtown, according to a memo written by the city's 10-person group that worked on food truck legislation.
That group proposed allowing food trucks, but restricting hours to 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. -- and requiring the trucks to park in legal parking spaces.
food trucks would face more restrictions in some areas, including along King Street and Mount Vernon Avenue. Trucks will not be allowed to park within 20 feet of an outdoor dining area.