
Find Information About Teacher Licenses in Maryland, Virginia

The departments of education in Virginia and Maryland allow the public to see the status of teachers' licenses online.

Information about teacher licenses is not publicly available online in the District. You can contact D.C.’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education for information about a teacher.

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Go to the Maryland Department of Education website and click on Maryland Certificate Revocations in the bottom right corner. Scroll the alphabetical list of teachers whose licenses have been revoked.

Maryland Department of Education Screengrab 1

Go to the Virginia Department of Education licensure page a scroll toward the bottom. Under Teacher Licensure Queries, click on "Listing of licenses and endorsements denied, revoked, suspended, cancelled or reinstated by the Board of Education since 2000."

Virginia Department of Education Screengrab 1

Scroll down to the alphabetical list of teachers.

Virginia Department of Education Screengrab 2
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