WASHINGTON -- Federal authorities seized more than $400,000 linked to the D.C. tax scandal that a woman planned to use as a down payment on a northern Virginia home, according to court papers.
An FBI affidavit says the funds were traced to Ainna Ojo, a friend of plan mastermind Harriette Walters. Ojo has not been charged.
Walters pleaded guilty to stealing almost $50 million from the D.C. government. Authorities have recovered about $10 million.
Court papers indicate that Ojo got a $628,000 cashier's check from Walters or Jayrece Turnbull, another member of the scam. Authorities say Ojo used the money traced to funds stolen in the scam, for a down payment on a $1.4 million house in Ashburn.
Walters told investigators that Ojo, a personal shopper, was supposed to repay her after finishing graduate school.