A U.S. Park Police Sergeant who died in the line of duty will be laid to rest Wednesday.
Sgt. Michael Boehm suffered a fatal heart attack last month while trying to rescue an injured person under the Key Bridge.
Funeral services for the 19-year veteran of the force will take place Wednesday morning at the Church of the Nativity in Burke, Virginia.
A processional through D.C. will take place following the service and could last around 90 minutes.
It will travel from the church in Burke around 11:30 a.m. and head for the U.S. Park Police headquarters in downtown Washington.
The procession will then head back to Virginia for Boehm’s burial at Fairfax Memorial Park.
Dozens of people gathered to remember Boehm at his wake Tuesday night.
Sergeant Boehm leaves behind a wife and son.
Officials are warning that the funeral procession will have a significant effect on vehicle traffic. Drivers are advised to avoid the processional if possible. It will travel the following route:
Procession will exit the church making right turn on Old Keene Mill Rd
Left on Fairfax County Parkway
Left on ramp to I 395 north HOV
Left on exit ramp to Washington Blvd/VA Rt 27
Washington Blvd/VA Rt 27 to Memorial Bridge
Across Memorial Bridge into Washington, DC at the Lincoln Memorial
South on 23rd Street on the south side of the Lincoln Memorial
Left turn eastbound Independence Avenue to Maine Ave
Maine Ave to East Basin Dr heading towards the Jefferson Memorial
South on Ohio Dr towards Hains Point
Right turn west onto Buckeye Dr and past US Park Police Headquarters
Right turn onto Ohio Dr along Potomac River, across Inlet Bridge,
through West Potomac Park heading back towards the Lincoln Memorial
Left onto Ohio Drive/Rock Creek Parkway behind Lincoln Memorial to make
ramp back onto Memorial Bridge returning into Virginia
Memorial Bridge to south on George Washington Parkway to south VA Rt 27
to I 395 south HOV
South on I 395 HOV to Fairfax County Parkway
Left exit onto Fairfax County Parkway making right onto FFX Parkway
Right on Braddock Road
Left on Burke Station Road
Right turn into Fairfax Memorial Park cemetery.