BETHESDA, Md. -- The last car of a broken down train slid off the tracks at the Bethesda Metro Station before Metro could move it out of the way.
The Red Line train was having mechanical problems when it arrived at the Bethesda station at 4:24 p.m. Friday, so a second train was brought in to couple with the broken train and move it. While workers attempted to couple the trains, the last car of the broken train and the lead car of the second train both derailed, according to Metro.
Metro got about 80 people off the train and onto another. No injuries were reported.
Inbound and outbound trains will have to share a single track between Medical Center and Friendship Heights, so Red Line riders should expect delays through rush hour.
Shuttle bus service was requested to augment Red Line service.
Metro spokesman Steven Taubenkibel recommended finding a different mode of transportation.