D.C. swimmers can cannonball to their hearts' content this summer knowing they won't be sucked down the drain. And for those who can't swim, well, keep practicing that doggie paddle.
For the first time ever, all 19 outdoor District pools will be open on Memorial Day weekend, and all will have new safety drains now required by federal law.
Mayor Adrian Fenty said it makes city pools among "the safest in the nation."
Starting Saturday, pools will be open on weekends until school is out June 15, then will be open daily for the summer. And remember, the pools are free for D.C. residents.
The Pool Safety Council provided $12,000 of services for the installation of anti-entrapment systems at 24 pools, and American Pool Enterprises provided $38,000 in services for the installation of Safety Vacuum Release System (SVRS) anti-entrapment units at 24 pools.
Fenty also unveiled a new Web site that lets the community find summer programs, camps and other activities all in one place: dcsummerfun.dc.gov.
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Some public pools in Montgomery County will not open on Saturday due to lack of safety drains. The county said parts have been ordered but manufacturing has taken longer than expected.
The list:
Bethesda Outdoor -- Main pool CLOSED; Lap pool, baby pool and teach pool only available
Glenmont Pool -- Leisure pool and baby pool CLOSED; main pool open
Germantown Pool -- Leisure pool CLOSED; main pool, baby pool open
Upper County Pool -- All features available, no limitations
Long Branch Pool -- All features available, no limitations
Western County Pool -- All features available, no limitations
MLK Outdoor Pool -- All features available, no limitations
In Prince George's County, Parks and Recreation reported that their aquatic services chief expects all county pools to open for the holiday weekend.