Muriel Bowser

โ€˜Exorcist Steps' Recognized for Role in Film History

The steep staircase featured in "The Exorcist" is now an official kind of Washington monument. 

Mayor Muriel Bowser dedicated "The Exorcist" steps at a ceremony Friday evening, on the eve of Halloween, attended by the film's director and screenwriter. 

William Friedkin, the director of the horror classic, said he had no idea the film and the 75 narrow stone steps in Georgetown would become so famous. 

"The fact that it had such big impact was a big surprise for me," he said. 

Fans lined up for hours to get the filmmakers' signatures and then see the dedication of a commemorative plaque, which recognizes the site for its contribution to the District's film history. In the film, a character memorably plunges down the treacherous walkway.

The steps are public space and replace what was once 36th Street NW, News4's Mark Segraves reports. 

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