Democrats Support DC Statehood in Draft of Party's Platform

Democrats are releasing the draft of their party's platform, calling it the ``most progressive'' potential platform in the party's history.

The platform is a statement of the party's values.

It includes support for D.C. statehood, stating:

Restoring our democracy also means finally passing statehood for Washington, D.C., so that its citizens have full and equal congressional rights as well as the right to have the laws and budget of their local government respected without Congressional interference.

Other highlights include saying that American workers should earn at least $15 an hour, the death penalty should be abolished and that no bank can be too big to fail.

It was developed by representatives of the campaigns of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Democratic National Committee.

Sanders has said he will push for stronger language that what's in the draft opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, seeking a $15 an hour minimum wage and a ban on fracking.

The full 187-member platform committee will meet in Orlando, Florida, next week to review and adopt the draft.

It then will be considered later this month at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

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