Deeds Releases First TV Ad as Part of New Offensive

Eh, it's so-so

Democrat Creigh Deeds looks like he might still be interested in winning this governor's race after all! Today he delivered (what his campaign billed as) a Major Address at northern Virginia's George Mason University. What made it "major?" Who cares! Because he also released his first television ad of the general election today, and who doesn't watch teevee? Maybe this will help Deeds solve that whole "none of the voters in Virginia have any idea who Creigh Deeds is" problem.

The ad offers a basic outline of Deeds' economic proposals, since all people care about nowadays is their lack of employment and impending starvation. But more importantly, it shows how Deeds wants to frame himself vis-a-vis his opponent, Bob McDonnell: Deeds would follow former Governor and current U.S. Senator Mark Warner's economic policies, the ad suggests, while Bob McDonnell would follow ex-warlord George W. Bush's.

In other words, Virginia's favorite Democratic politician ever vs. Planet Earth's most despised Republican politician ever.

Well, sure.


Jim Newell writes for Wonkette and IvyGate. This is his last article for NBC Washington, too. He is moving to a place where the Internet is but a dream of the future.

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