DC Council Member Says a Friend Borrowed Car Involved in ‘Minor Fender Bender'

Police are investigating after a car belonging to D.C. Council member Trayon White was involved in a collision Monday night. White said Wednesday that a friend who had borrowed the car without his consent was behind the wheel at the time.

In a statement Wednesday morning, White said he noticed "minor front end damage" to a car he owns on Tuesday morning and assumed that another driver had backed into it while it was parked overnight.

White, the council member representing Ward 8, said he immediately contacted the Metropolitan Police Department to file a police report and received a follow-up call from MPD informing him that his car was in an accident.

"Soon after my conversation with MPD officials, a friend admitted that he borrowed the car without my consent and was involved in a minor fender bender the night before," White said. "He stated that he was able to resolve the accident at the scene with the other driver."

White said that his friend met with MPD detectives to provide details of the accident and said MPD confirmed that White was neither the driver involved in the accident or in the car when the accident took place.

MPD told News4 that while the council member is being "very communicative," MPD can not confirm that White was not the driver.

An MPD spokesperson said the case is ongoing and being investigated.

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