WASHINGTON -- If you're planning a trip to the Tidal Basin to check out the cherry blossoms, there has been a change.
The peak bloom dates have been changed ... and shortened.
The National Park Service's chief horticulturist, Rob DeFeo, said the new peak bloom forecast is from April 1 to April 4. Originally he set it from April 3 to April 9.
DeFeo said that if current predicted temperatures hold true, his new prediction should stand. But if the temperature at night rises, the blooming process could speed up.
"I'm the only guy who, on the first day of spring, is praying for cold weather," DeFeo said.
DeFeo's serious about his bloom predictions. This is his 18th year of peak prognosticating. He's gone 14 for 17 so far, and he likes his chances again this year.
"Sunday is going to be the key," DeFeo said. "If it gets up there in the upper 60s, you'll be looking at the 1st. if it stays in the 50s, it will be the 3rd or 4th."
The overall blooming period is supposed to end on April 11.
For more information on this year's festival, visit the National Cherry Blossom Festival Web site.
And thanks to We Love DC for the tip on the changed dates...