A bowl of kibble. A scratch behind the ears. A little human interaction.
Cats don't ask for much. That's why officers at the Washington Humane Society are outraged that one was stoned to death Thursday night. It happened in an alley behind the 500 block of 21st Street, NE. Several neighborhood cats could be seen in the alley Friday. Neighbors described the dead animal as a sweet, friendly cat who was regularly seen in the area.
"A group of kids had done a horrendous thing," said Scott Giacoppo of the Washington Humane Society. "They stoned a local cat to death in a back alley. They just started pelting it with rocks and bottles and various objects."
"The fact that children would do something like this is deeply disturbing," said Giacoppo. "Studies show time and time again that if a child can do something like this to an animal, they can certainly do it to a person."
The Humane Society hopes someone will come forward with information about the culprits. There is a $1,000 reward for information.
Anyone with information is asked to call 1-800-BE-HUMANE.