March 2, 2009
Dear Mr. President,
Now you've really done it.
You ruined it for us.
You see, before you came along, today would be a SNOW DAY for the federal government. We'd be home, with our kids, sipping hot cocoa and enjoying the snow.
But no. You had to call us "weather wimps." You had to compare Washington to Chicago.
And now look: "Federal agencies in the Washington, DC area are OPEN under a DELAYED ARRIVAL/UNSCHEDULED LEAVE POLICY []. Employees should plan to arrive for work no more than 2 hours later than they would normally arrive."
With all due respect, sir, that is just plain wrong.
We know what you're thinking. Half of us are from up North, too. Places like Rochester, N.Y., where we know snow. This storm would be par for the course. No government shutdowns, no school closings. Just sloshing it through the salted and plowed roads on our way to work.
But this is D.C. We've gotten spoiled. And we like it that way.
We would be super mad at you, except for one thing: we have kids. And, thankfully, the schools were not fazed by your snow rhetoric. They closed down.
So have fun at the White House today.
We'll be out front, building a snowman.
Warmest regards,
Your supporters in the federal government
P.S.: Please don't fire us. The economy still sucks.