A community activist in the Capitol Hill neighborhood is suing the U.S. Department of Justice over crime in her area. She desperately wants answers and said she's just not getting them.
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Denise Krepp, who serves the Hill East area, has been trying to find out how many of the thousands of arrests made by police have actually resulted in prosecution. Krepp said her constituents suspect many responsible for the increase in crime in her neighborhood go through a "revolving door of justice" and are quickly back on the streets.
Antwon Pitt, 21, committed a string of crimes over two weeks, including allegedly sexually assault a young mother in her home in the Hill East neighborhood. Pitt apparently cut off his GPS ankle monitor while on probation before the Oct. 13 attack.
After officials were unable to answer questions about the prosecution rate, Krepp filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Department of Justice. Months of unsatisfied requests for that information have left her no choice but to sue for it.
Pitt remains held without bond after a hearing in D.C. Superior Court on Monday.