Lettuce Wear Bikinis in Bitter Cold

Shaking like a leaf to promote veganism

It was quite an eyeful for the lunchtime crowd along 17th and K streets in northwest Washington Monday.

Two young, fit, beautiful ladies stood out in the bitter cold air, dressed only in strategically placed lettuce leaf bikinis and short grass skirts.
Get attention they did, but there was a point to their seemingly irrational decision to bare so much skin in early January. It was part of a PETA campaign called “Turn Over a New Leaf -- Go Vegan in 2010.”
When the gentlemen stopped to stare, the ladies handed them finger sandwiches with tofurky -- a meatless concoction designed to taste like turkey meat.
“We want them to see how easy it is to start that diet in the New Year,” said PETA lettuce lady Ashley Byrne. “The best way for D.C. residents to ensure that they’ll be around to celebrate many more years is to adopt a healthy vegan diet.”
One concerned looking older gentlemen walked up the pair and said, “I just want to say to you and your buddy, Don’t catch cold.”
How thoughtful.
The freezing temperatures and ogles didn’t seem to deter the PETA models.
“We knew the week after January would be pretty chilly, but it’s absolutely worth it if it inspires people to ditch the meat, cheese and eggs in the New Year,” said one of the lettuce ladies.
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