Get Google's Totally Boss Tricycle to Show You DC Trails

Google Maps has already spotlighted many locations in our fair city on its popular Google Maps service. But there could be so many more. All of D.C. could be digitized into images for Google Maps.

But first we need them to bring their nifty video tricycle to town for that to happen. That's right. Google has unleashed its Street View Trike on this vast, soon-to-be Google-captured planet. Its function is to get images from places not accessible to automobiles for placing on Google Maps.

That way the whole world can be privy to our glorious parks and system of trails. That's almost like people actually coming to the District. Almost!

Anyway, Google is looking for suggestions in six categories (parks & trails, university campuses, pedestrian malls, theme parks and zoos, sports venues and landmarks) for inclusion in Google Maps. Should you think there are glaring weaknesses in the Google Maps imagery of D.C. that fit these categories, be sure to bug Google here.

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