Congressional Staffer Says She Was Sexually Assaulted at DC VA Medical Center

A congressional staffer who works on legislation to reduce sex assaults at Veterans Affairs facilities says she was groped at the Washington DC VA Medical Center.

U.S. House Committee on Veterans Affairs staffer Andrea Goldstein, who is the point person on her staff for new legislation to reduce sex harassment at the VA, was carrying a copy of a new bill to combat sex assaults when she says she was sexually assaulted in the front atrium of the medical center Friday.

She said she believes the person who assaulted her is a military veteran.

Goldstein said she was concerned about the immediate response inside the facility.

“Several employees witnessed the assault and said nothing,” she said. “In addition, I reported the assault to multiple employees — a worker at the information desk, a patient advocate and finally my doctor — before police were called.”

The VA's inspector general is investigating the case.

"VA will not tolerate this alleged behavior, and we are committed to delivering justice," a VA spokeswoman said.

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