Army Fools Troops With New Uniform Hats

New headgear released on April Fool’s Day

The Army doesn’t normally fool around. But this April Fool’s Day, some clever soldiers decided to introduce some new mandatory attire for our nation’s troops.

The Army announced on their official website that the official headgear for the branch would be changed from a beret, to a Stetson cowboy hat.

“We figure the Stetson will be popular with the troops,” said Sgt. Maj. Bob Stone in the mock press release. “It's been a while since we have changed the headgear, so it's time. Plus a Stetson is functional and down right American.”

By they way Sgt. Maj. Stone is a member of the headgear task force, a completely made up unit of the Army Uniform Board created just for an occasion like this.

And the Stetson was meant to do more than just tip itself to the horse cavalries of military past. The Army is convinced the 10-gallon hat is a big improvement.

“You can keep the sun out of your eyes, the hat won't melt to your head on a sunny day, and female Soldiers can tuck long hair under a Stetson a lot easier than with the current beret,” Stone said in the release. “Plus we've already gone back to blue jackets for the service dress uniform. The Stetson actually completes the look.”

The fact is this was one of the most well thought out April Fool’s pranks NBCWashington saw this year, complete with Photoshopped pictures of the Stetson already in use in the field. Plus, it’s fun to think of our nation’s highest ranking military members playing a prank…on all of us.

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