What's Behind Tina's Fey-mous Scar?

Tina Fey has become famous for her trademark glasses and spot on Sarah Palin impressions – not to mention her Emmy award-winning series “30 Rock.” And now, the actress and husband Jeff Richmond are revealing the story behind the facial scar that she has refused to previously talk about.

“It was in, like, the front yard of her house, and some body just came up, and she just thought somebody marked her with a pen,” Jeff told Vanity Fair in their January issue.


Until now, the actress has not spoken about the scar.

“It’s impossible to talk about it without somehow seemingly exploiting it,” she said.

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The incident was not something Tina thought much about until her career thrust her in the spotlight.

“It’s really almost like I’m able to forget about it, until I was on-camera,” she told the mag. “It became a thing of ‘Oh, I guess we should use this side’ or whatever. Everybody’s got a better side.”

As for Tina’s husband, he thinks her scar is captivating.

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“That scar was fascinating to me. This is somebody who, no matter what it was, has gone through something,” Jeff added. “And I think it really informs the way she thinks about her life.”

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MORE ACCESS ON THESE TOPICS: 30 Rock - Sarah Palin - Rock - Vanity Fair - Tina Fey

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