So this might be one of the more ridiculous things we have come across. It might even seem like it's too good to be true. Oh, but it's not.
The Barbie Convention is in town this week. The five-day dolly conference gives registered conventioneers ONLY (no children allowed!!!) a chance to pick up souvenirs, enter silent and live auctions, and attend Mattel workshops. Oh, but that is not all. Not by any means.
Nighttime is when the real fun begins! Barbie Conventioneers (we love calling 'em that) have themed dinners scheduled each night. Curious? We've got the details.
Wednesday is the Kick-Off Beach Party, and unfortunately Shrimp on the Barbie and other Barbie-cue fare from the Kitsch-en didn’t make the menu. Following the party, however, conventioneers (whee!) will gather for a Pillow Talk Hour. Juicy late-night gossip is sure to include how unmanicured Susie's Malibu Barbie looked today in its display case.
Thursday offers a Through the Decades Dinner followed by a fashion show. Later that night, they will give out the Barbie's Best Friend Award! This year's race is sure to be a tight one.
And to celebrate Barbie's world travels, Friday night is a special Barbie Goes Traveling Dinner where everyone can learn about each other's hometown. How much fun!
On Saturday, ordinary everyday folk will FINALLY be admitted to this plastic-tastic convention at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel (1660 Woodley Road N.W.). The enormous sales room, featuring Mattel, Inc. and more than 90 sellers from around the world, will be open to the public from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Children under 12 get in free; grownups pay $7. There will also be Barbie and Ken photo ops (ZOMG!), special-edition pins and other door prizes.
Whether or not you have ever owned or plan on owning a Barbie is irrelevant at this point. You must go to this convention; it's just that good.