Trista Sutter On ‘Bachelor' Finale: ‘No One Deserves To Go Through That'

The twist on the season finale of ABC's "The Bachelor" left millions of viewers in shock. But they weren't the only ones in awe of Jason Mesnick's reality show switcheroo.

Original "Bachelorette" Trista Sutter, who was an avid watcher of the show this season, said she couldn't believe how it all unfolded, as Jason broke off his engagement with Melissa Rycroft and got back together with the previously dumped Molly Malaney during the "After The Final Rose" special.

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"I am still just blown away that anyone could do that. I mean, first of all, to propose to one person when you say you're in love with two people, that just seems not necessarily right to begin with," Trista told "I just feel horrible for Melissa. No one deserves to go through what she went through."

And while Jason told People it wasn't his choice to break up with Melissa on national TV, claiming it was "part of the deal" with ABC, Trista had a hard time believing he couldn't have at least given Melissa fair warning.

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"I had a contract with the producers at one time, and I can't speak to what Jason's contract said and what he was required to do, but it seems like the right thing to do would've been to tell Melissa before he blindsided her in front of a national audience," Trista added. "He could have told Melissa exactly what was going to happen beforehand so that she had some breathing room. That would have been a little classier. I just think it was really disappointing."

When it comes to Molly, the woman Jason had previously dumped in New Zealand only to ask for another chance, Trista knows what it's like to be in her position, as original "Bachelor" Alex Michel led Trista to believe she would be his pick on the very first season of the reality series, when he selected Amanda Marsh instead.

"I know where she's coming from. I know that she's heartbroken and probably still had feelings for Jason," Trista noted.

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However, Trista said she doubted she would've been able to give Alex a second chance had he come back asking for one like Jason did with Molly.

"I don't know that I would have [given him another chance] because deep down, I knew he chose someone else over me, even though he told me he was falling for me – he didn't give me a chance," she explained. "I was surprised that Molly did. I would've said, 'You know what, I have been waiting for you to say this for a long time, but let's take it step by step because I don't know where I truly stand if you decided to propose to someone else.'"

"And I wouldn't be kissing him! That was another disappointing thing to me," she continued. "He was engaged to someone, what, an hour before that and then he's kissing somebody else? It just doesn't seem right."

And while her heart goes out to Melissa, who she has met and called "adorable and truly a sweet girl," Trista also felt bad for someone else involved in the "Bachelor" love triangle – Jason's young son, Ty.

"As a mom, I just feel bad for Ty. I know that's probably not what people are thinking about because it's about the women, but the fact is, Ty was introduced to both of these ladies… Ty saw Jason hold their hands and probably kiss these two women, and after the proposal, they even all jumped in the pool together," she said. "He's seen his dad fully invested in a relationship with Melissa, and now to change it up and bring back Molly has got to be confusing for a 4-year-old… It's just so awful all around."

Given the dramatic and very public circumstances surrounding Jason and Molly's relationship, does Trista think it can last?

"As someone who has been married now for five years, I can definitely say that trust is a big part of any relationship and I don't know that I could trust him if I were Molly," Trista said. "But I do wish them the best. No one can really say guess whether or not they're going to work. But, I mean, why not? You never know."

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