Little Cat Plays the Alpha Rave


Who doesn't loves kittens and toy piano's? Well it is clear that singer/songwriter Russell Baylin is a fan, and as his latest band My My My prepares to release their first album, Little Cat Plays the Alpha Rave, you can't help but smile at that cute little kitten. My My My claims to be suitable for fans of the supergroup New Pornographers, and that is not completely off target, but there are clearly a few more influences in Baylin's sound. His voice has a depth and clarity that is very distinctive and enjoyable, and when mixed with the beautiful harmonies of Sarah Snow the results are magnetic. A perfect example of this can be found on bouncy duet "Middle Age Hardware and Youthful Indiscretions", which has me spinning in circles and jumping up and down. Where the rhythms generally stay up beat, the mood of the album shifts between light and dark, but it can all be shiny kittens and toy pianos. Ultimately, Baylin is one of the strongest unsigned singer/songwriters that I have heard in quite sometime, and Little Cat Plays the Alpha Rave is an album worth checking out.

My My My will play a record release show for "Little Cat" this Saturday, October 11 at Subterranean with Baby Teeth and Oh My God. Doors open at 9:00 and the show begins at 9:30. Tickets are $12 and this is a 17 and over show.

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