Tori Spelling Responds To Her Mother's Public Plea For Contact

Tori Spelling says her mom, Candy, has an open invitation to see her grandchildren, Liam and Stella.

At a party to celebrate the launch of her new book, "Mommywood," Tori said that despite Candy's recent claim she has never met Tori's 10 month-old daughter, Stella, the "90210" star is not prohibiting the grandmother from seeing the children.

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"Well, the truth is just that my mom is welcome to see her grandchildren whenever she wants," Tori told Access Hollywood.

On Monday, Candy posted an open letter to her daughter, via her Web site,, pleading for her daughter to "call me, write me, text me."

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Candy's letter followed weeks of interviews to promote her own book, "Stories from Candyland," where the widow of TV mogul Aaron Spelling claimed she has made an effort to contact her daughter, but Tori won't respond to her calls or pick up the phone.

After learning about Candy's letter, Tori told Access that her mother shouldn't have taken then matter public.

"Well, she can e-mail me and say that," Tori said. "She doesn't have to put it on a Web site, but if she wants to see the grandchildren of course she can see them."

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Candy also wrote in her open letter that she wanted to resolve their mother-daughter issues privately, but circumstances have forced her to take matters publicly.

"I'm a mother who, like every mother, wants communication and a great relationship with you, my daughter, and your family," Candy wrote. "I'd love to work it out the way all families try to resolve issues. In private. But, as I wrote in my book, I was a celebrity by marriage, then a celebrity by motherhood. That means my life is public. I'm used to it. It comes with the territory.

"I don't want a reunion via talk show or to speak through the press," Candy continued. "I want a relationship with you and my grandchildren."

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