Nadya Suleman just found out what it's like when the paparazzi want you to "Be My Valentine." The so-called Octu-mom was followed, taped, and photographed all weekend long in the never-ending quest to find out all about her.
Yesterday she took part of her brood to the Calvary Chapel Golden Springs Church in the town of Diamond Bar. That's where Radar Online got her on tape at her house (click HERE to see that video) as she struggled to herd part of her brood back in the van. After viewing this you will immediately ask yourself how Nadya's going to haul all fourteen kids around — Maybe in one of those mid-size school buses.
VIEW THE PHOTOS: The Latest Star Sightings
On Friday, Nadya was tracked down to a salon in Norwalk where she had her nails done. No, despite those Angelina lips, she wasn't getting dolled up for a hot date. In fact, Nadya told The Sun newspaper (of the U.K.) that she hasn't had sex in eight years; she can't even remember her last date and has no intention of going out with anybody until the Octuplets turn 18.
Meanwhile there is news from Team Nadya; the publicist who came on to help with her media needs pro-bono (if your Latin is a little rusty, that means "for free") has now dropped out. JoAnn Killeen says the hateful death-threat voice mails and e-mails that were coming at she and her firm (and even some of her other clients) were just too much. The threats are real and graphic. We heard them; some guy threatening to rip Nadya's uterus out, another threatening to put JoAnn in a wood chipper.
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Note to threat maker: That copy of "Fargo" is overdue at the video store. When we spoke with JoAnn last week she advised she was turning over the evidence of those threats to the L.A.P.D. A funny footnote — you would assume that anyone making a threat would be sure to stay anonymous so as to not get in trouble with The Law. Not these people; when we listened to the threats, the phone numbers were right there. And so are the threateners' e-mail addresses.
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