Health Care Group to Picket P Street Whole Foods

Next up: Picketing baby birds?

In response to Whole Foods CEO Steve Mackey's Aug. 11 op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, in which he decried the public option, the non-profit organization Single Payer Action has organized protests at Whole Foods stores in Austin, D.C. and New York.

From the group's organizing e-mail:

We know that Whole Foods allows non-profit public interest groups to set up tables inside their stores to allow these groups to reach Whole Foods' liberal customer base.

Our demand: That Whole Foods allow single payer advocates to set up shop inside Whole Foods stores around the country and allow them to counter the lies and distortions of their CEO John Mackey on health care.

The "first wave" of D.C. protests will take place tomorrow (Friday, Aug. 21) from noon tp 1 p.m. at the Whole Foods at 1440 P St. N.W. Washington City Paper will be there with cameras, recording the madness.

"Single Payer Action to Picket P Street Whole Foods" was originally published on City Desk on Aug. 20, 2009, at 11:57 a.m.

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