Your Daily Dispatch of Celebrity Shenanigans
M.I.A. Picks A Baby Name: A month after British singer M.I.A. performed at the Grammy Awards just days before giving birth, the singer has announced the name of her baby boy. According to, the new bundle of joy is named Ickitt. Let's hope that Ickitt's future classmates are nice, don't tease and are not very good at rhyming.
VIEW THE PHOTOS: See Hot Shots Of Britney's 'Circus' Tour Opening Night
Miley Not Headed To Jonas Brothers Flick: Don't expect to see Miley Cyrus in line for "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience." According to OK! Magazine, during her book singing on Thursday in New York, a fan asked the young star if she was going to see her ex-boyfriend's concert film, and she replied, "No, probably not." We're assuming she meant because she was too busy and not because she's holding a grudge against Nick Jonas.
Miley's New Opening Act?: "Idol" just picked its Top 13 on Thursday, and one contestant is getting glowing reviews from Miley. "I want [Allison Iraheta] to go on tour with me!" Miley told MTV News. "I think she's amazing. I think she's so cool. I'll make you an 'American Idol.'" Sounds like good ammunition for any upcoming Simon Cowell-isms!
VIEW THE PHOTOS: She's Just Bein' Miley!
LiLo To Cover Brit Brit?: In music news that is sure to excite and upset simultaneously, Lindsay Lohan is considering covering a Britney Spears song. According to a New York Daily News' Gate Crasher source, the actress is "on the Britney bandwagon." Lindsay is reportedly hopes to cover "Womanizer" or "Oops! … I Did it Again." We're already making room on our iPods!
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