Rising Star: Lucas Till

Southern-bred Lucas Till once "Walked The Line" in the Oscar-nominated Johnny Cash biopic. But it's his latest role — melting hearts as Miley Cyrus' love interest, Travis Brody, in "Hannah Montana The Movie" — that makes this 18-year-old AccessHollywood.com's newest Rising Star.

"It feels great," he told Access Hollywood of his breakout part alongside the Disney teen queen. "It's a little overwhelming but hopefully it opens some more doors in my future."

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Rising Star: Lucas Till

While the bashful star plays Miley's Crowley Corners, Tenn., love interest, he downplayed his good looks.

"I wouldn't like to call myself the hot guy in the movie," he laughed, adding that he wasn't prepared for the hordes of young fans who have already begun mobbing him. "I was a little surprised getting out of the car [recently], people knew my name, that hasn't happened my entire life. Especially not in middle school."

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But working with a one of America's most famous teens on screen was another story.

"Working with Miley's the most fun I ever had in my entire life," he said – and that went for the kissing scenes, too.

"It was my first on-screen kiss," Lucas admitted. "I was a little bit nervous but Miley makes everything so comfortable so when it really came down to the kissing, it wasn't that bad."

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Miley & More At The 'Hannah Montana The Movie' LA Premiere

And filming in Tennessee was a homecoming for the star in more ways than one – in addition to being raised in the state, he also played Johnny Cash's ill-fated brother during their Tennessee childhood in "Walk The Line."

"That's where I grew up," he said. "[It was like] three months of paid vacation. It was hot, a lot of people out here [in LA] aren't used to that."

One thing Lucas had to get used to? Mastering some moves for his next movie, which may have some more action than "Hannah."

"I just finished a Jackie Chan movie called 'The Spy Next Door,'" he said, hinting, "I might be doing my own stunts in this movie."

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