RIP, Georgetown Barnes & Noble

Location quietly closed on Dec. 31

Now where is everyone gonna stand around and not buy anything?

As we told you last summer, the Georgetown location of Barnes & Noble was expected to shut down by the end of the year, but it turns out the end came with a whimper, not a bang.

The spot quietly closed down on Dec. 31, WTOP reported.

"A place to sit and read and take your time is going to be missing in Georgetown -- which is a real pity," Malcolm Kelly told WTOP.

DCist tallies up bookstore deaths in the area thusly (another adverb we could use is "depressingly"):

We know, we know. Kindles are just... so... shiny!

Nonetheless, if you're a fan of Politics & Prose or Bridge Street Books, please, please go there sometime soon, and buy something. Anything.

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