“American Idol” returns Tuesday for Season 8, which is sure to include plenty of criticism and sharp-tongued jabs from judge Simon Cowell. But before Simon can sink his teeth into the new crop of aspiring singers, fellow judge Randy Jackson has some advice for Simon on his love life – and it involves Joan Rivers.
Randy stopped by “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Tuesday, and revealed that helping Simon with his love life is no easy feat.
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“Let’s talk about Simon Cowell being single. I bet your helping him now, " Ellen said.
“Yo, listen Ellen, dude look. I know you were trying to help Ryan, it’s probably impossible,” Randy said of the recently single Simon and fellow single “Idol” counterpart Ryan Seacrest.
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“I know. He’s too hard to please,” Ellen agreed of Simon.
“I just keep saying to him, ‘I mean, Dude, if you keep showing these shots on the jet ski baring your chest you’re not going to find the right girl that way,’” Randy continued. “His social skills need some work.”
“Well, duh. I mean come on,” Ellen said with a laugh.
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Though they enjoyed throwing a few jabs Simon’s way, Randy and Ellen also offered up a few dating suggestions for the British judge.
“Randy and I are going to help Simon find love and someone more his age. You know a lot of men go for much younger woman,” Ellen said holding up photographs of Barbara Walters, Joan Rivers, Betty White, Liza Minnelli and her own mom, Betty DeGeneres.
“I think … Joan Rivers, yes,” Randy exclaimed. “Joan is perfect… She’ll be honest with him.”
“Oh,” Ellen said with a smile. “He’s going to be so mad at us.”
“American Idol” returns for a new season with a two-hour premiere tonight on FOX at 8 PM EST.
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