Obama Girls Get Jonas Brothers White House Surprise

The Obama girls witnessed their dad make history when he was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States on Tuesday, but perhaps the most exciting event of their day came when they found the Jonas Brothers hiding in their new home.

In what is merely a dream for millions of other kids, Sasha and Malia Obama had Nick, Kevin and Joe Jonas over to the White House Tuesday night, Access Hollywood has learned.

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Before the girls hung out with the famous teen siblings, they enjoyed a screening of “Bolt” and “High School Musical 3” with their new classmates from the Sidwell Friends school, according to People.

Following their Disney double feature, Sasha, 7, and Malia, 10, set out on a White House scavenger hunt, in order to help the girls acquaint themselves with their new abode.

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According to the mag, the final scavenger hunt clue led Sasha and Malia to a room where the Jonas Brothers were waiting.

Tuesday’s meeting with the teens stars marks their second meeting with the brothers in two days. The girls met the Jonas trio on Monday night at the “Kids’ Inaugural: We Are The Future Concert.”

The inauguration week festivities were not the first time the girls had met the brothers.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: The Jonas Brothers

As previously reported on AccessHollywood.com, Sasha and Malia met the Disney stars during a recent appearance on the “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”

“We played ping-pong, and they beat me,” Nick told Access of First Daughters at the Disney TCA event last week.

“He wants a rematch,” Kevin added.

“They didn’t know we were there,” Nick said. “It was really cool to meet them after hearing they had been fans.”

The oldest Jonas brother said it would be even cooler if the Obama girls invited them to their new pad.

“I just want to hang out at the White House,” Kevin said, not knowing his White House wish was about to come true.

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MORE ACCESS ON THESE TOPICS: High School Musical - Ellen DeGeneres - Music - Jonas Brothers - Access Hollywood

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