"Octo-Mom" Nadya Suleman wants your money.
Not satisfied with the thousands of dollars she's milking from taxpayers, the megamama has now set up a website for donations from the public.
With the help of her publicist, Suleman has set up TheNadyaSulemanFamily.com.
The main page of the baby-themed site has pictures of the latest eight of Suleman's 14 children, and "thank yous" for the public — but the only clickable links are to make credit card donations or leave comments, which are kept private.
The website takes Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover, or you can just send a big fat check directly to Suleman's publicist, whose address and phone number is listed.
In her interview with NBC's "Today" show, Suleman had told Ann Curry that she felt the public's scrutiny of her decision to have so many children was "sick."
“[The public] cuts you and dissects you and wants to put you under a microscope and it’s kind of sick,” the mother of 14 said on another appearance on the "Today" show. “I think they should focus on their own lives.”
Suleman had defended herself against allegations that she is not fit to raise her suddenly huge family, including criticism from her own mother.
“She (Angela Suleman) adores her grandchildren, regardless of the words she chose,” Suleman said during her second interview with NBC’s Ann Curry in reference to her mother's harsh assessment. “She said ‘she is not capable of raising them’ --- but what human is capable of caring for 14 children all alone? No human is. You need to be a superhuman, and I’m not a superhuman.”
Suleman also used her second appearance on "Today" to set the record straight about what type of government aid her children receive. Three of her first six children, she said, do benefit from government disability payments. One is autistic, another has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder known as ADHD, and a third experienced a mild speech delay with "tiny characteristics of autism." She refused to say how much they get in payments.
“It’s a temporary resource,” Suleman said. “I want them off of it because I don’t want them to use it as a crutch. They’ve been on it for two months.”
Suleman’s defensive interview is unlikely to stem the swirl of criticism around her decision to carry her eight in vitro fertilized children to term. Much of the controversy comes at her admission that she has no means with which to raise them.
Tuesday night on Dateline, Suleman had said that she is in debt and plans to raise her brood with student loan funds.
“How much in debt do you have now?” Curry asked.
“Probably 50. Close to 50,” she said.
“Thousand dollars?” Curry responded.
Suleman nodded.
“How is that not like welfare?” Curry pressed on.
“Oh, no,” Suleman protested. “These are student loans. You consolidate the loans, you pay it back. We don't pay back welfare.”
“Okay, so you don't have a job, Your students loans have run out… So you're saying you have no income coming in?” Curry summarized.
“At the moment, no,” Suleman said.
“Are you not being selfish?”
“No, I'm not being selfish. I don't believe I'm selfish in any way,” the mother of 14 said.
“But how is it not selfish to bring children in the world that you cannot actually afford?” Curry asked again.
“Because I know I'll be able to afford them when I'm done with my schooling,” Suleman said.
During her Dateline interview, Suleman said that she is done having children, which may be the most public pleasing statement she has yet uttered.
"This is a message, I believe, from God that you are done," the 33-year-old Suleman said. "I never in my wildest dreams imagined (my family) being this big."