Narnia Fans Get a Lump of Coal

Narnia Fans Get a Lump of Coal was originally published on City Desk on Dec. 24, 2008, at 7:15 pm

Disney and Walden Media announced yesterday that they’re ditching plans to produce a third The Chronic[what?]les of Narnia installment, subtitled The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the studios cited “budgetary and logistical reasons,” even though the first two films grossed enough megabillions to clear a profit.

Prince Caspian, however, took in approximately half of what franchise-originator The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe did, which suggests one conclusion: Audiences have finally realized that these epic, Braveheart-for-kids movies are boring as hell. Better to spend those hours actually reading the C.S. Lewis books, or perhaps playing with a rock.

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