Miss Califonia USA's Firing Deja Vu All Over Again

It's just like last month, only now nobody cares

Every generation has its heroes, and for a handful of young conservatives that hero is a sweet hometown California girl with a portfolio of rather modest topless photos, breast implants bankrolled by the Miss California USA organization, and political views that are pretty much identical to liberal hero Barack Obama's.

Her name is Carrie Prejean, and the question on everybody's lips is: Why is Donald Trump being so mean to this brave young leader by firing her, a month after he first had the opportunity to fire her?

Back in May, America learned that this upstanding young lass had been photographed once or twice without her shirt on, and this was very shocking! Donald Trump, the owner of the Miss USA pageant, had the chance to fire her for violating the terms of her contract, which apparently included stuff about refraining from media appearances without securing the permission of Miss California USA -- something she failed to do a few times as she grew ever more enmeshed in the whole "opposite marriage" discussion.

Then there was the whole issue with posing for revealing photos like a hussy, which the Miss USA pageant generally frowns on. But The Donald, having reviewed the photographs with great interest, benevolently allowed as how Miss Prejean's pictures weren't all that racy, and in fact, "We've determined the pictures taken were acceptable, fine, and in many cases they were very lovely pictures."

And you might have thought that was the end of it, but this is the USA, land of second chances -- and Carrie Prejean got a second chance to fail.

According to pageant officials, she hasn't been showing up for official commitments, and when your whole job is to appear at ribbon-cuttings and county fairs, well, you can see the conundrum there.

So now Carrie Prejean has been fired and a new gal has replaced her as Miss California USA, not that you'd notice because she looks pretty much exactly the same. May this transition of power be a non-violent one.

Embittered beauty pageant reject Sara K. Smith writes for NBC and Wonkette.

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